Кисловодский государственный многопрофильный техникум

kgmt usa smallThe Information and methodical seminar "Standard and legal regulation of tourist activity between Russia and the USA: theory and practice".

  On November 27, 2012 in the resource centre "Scarlet sails" of personnel education, retraining and advanced training of the Kislovodsk state multi profile College was organized the Information and methodical seminar "Standard and legal regulation of tourist activity between Russia and the USA: theory and practice". The seminar was organized and held within the cooperation agreement between the College and the ministry of resorts and tourism of Stavropol region.

In the seminar took part the representatives of the tourist industry of Stavropol region, lectors, teachers and students of the regional universities and colleges.

Reports were made by the Deputy Minister of resorts and tourism of Stavropol region Alexander Dzhangirov and adjunct professor for approximately fifteen years at Gannon and one semester at Penn State Behrend, ten years as a Deputy District Attorney for Allegheny County Joseph B. Steele, Esquire (the USA).

During a seminar the special attention was paid to questions of the legal regulation of registration of tourist exit documents for interview and receipt of a visa passing for entry into the USA, and as to legal settlement of administrative offenses in the territory of Russia and the USA.

Participants of a seminar asked many questions on which they were given irrefragable answers. The seminar took place in the easy friendly atmosphere.

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Our guest from the USA saw the college and shared his impressions:


«Upon my return to the U.S., and during the return trip, I have reflected on my trip to your wonderful country and to my visit to your college. Let me say again, I consider it an honor and a privilege to have been invited and to have had the opportunity to speak with those assembled. I can only hope the experience was half as meaningful to the listeners as it was to me! The idea of an exchange between people of different countries, even with attendant language difficulties, I consider invaluable to better understanding and friendship. I can only congratulate your insight and that of your college for making this occasion possible.

While I did enjoy the opportunity to speak, I appreciated even more the response of those attending, their questions and our interchange.

And I can't ignore a more personal observation: your organization and direction had more to do with the success of the conference than any other single factor I can think of. And the many courtesies and friendship extended to me by the Deputy Minister, your staff and yourself will long be remembered and commented on by me here in the U.S. The conference was conducted very professionally while at the same time in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere--one rarely achieved on such occasions, and you are to be congratulated on that achievement! Again, thank you so very much!.


Joseph B. Steele»

Following the results of a seminar certificates were issued to its participants.

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Обращение о неисполнении ФЗ № 210–ФЗ «Об организации предоставления государственных услуг» в Ставропольском крае"